Students Show Off Program Pride During Radiologic Technology Week

Published 11.12.2010

Nursing & Health Sciences
Student News

Students show '10 Reasons I Love Being A Radiologic Technologist' shirts. The 'patient' dresses for the celebration. Students inPenn College'sRadiography Program showed pride for their future profession during National Radiologic Technology Week by wearing T-shirts that tout "10 Reasons I Love Being a Radiologic Technologist!" (10. I'm proud of what I do. 9. I'm an essential part of the team. 8. I make a difference every day. 7. I help save lives. 6. I put my caring to good use. 5. Every day is interesting. 4. People count on me. 3. I get the inside story. 2. Human anatomy is awesome! 1. I enjoy having X-ray vision!) They also created educational posters for display at area hospitals. Photos by Robert Slothus, director of radiography