Personal Responsibility Tour Ends With Eating Disorder Awareness Week

Published 04.07.2008


Healthy snacks from giveaways Student Ambassador Brian Walton hands out blue ribbons in observance of Eating Idsorder Awareness Week Schedule of week's activities, message of self-esteem also distributed at campus displays "It's more than just food, it's accepting yourself for who you are." Eating Disorder Awareness Week, sponsored by Student Health Services and Student Activities, is April 7-11. This is the last stop on the 2007-08 Personal Responsibility Tour. As with Alcohol Awareness Week, Depression Awareness Week and Sexual Responsibility Week, Eating Disorder Awareness Week emphasizes taking responsibility for your health and the welfare of family and friends! The week's events offer many opportunities to learn more about the signs and symptoms of disordered eating patterns, as well as what you can do if you, a roommate, a friend or a family member is struggling with eating or self-acceptance issues in any way. ( Photos by Jessica L. Tobias, student photographer)