Penn College IEEE Web Site Runner-Up in International Competition

Published 08.25.2006

Student News

Edwin B. Weaver, of Wellsboro, information technology-Web and applications development.The Penn College Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers placed fifth in the organization's annual international Web site contest held recently.

One hundred twenty entries from around the world were judged on content, navigability, originality, overall presentation, portability and load time. The webmaster, Edwin B. Weaver, of Wellsboro, a third-year student in the information technology-Web and applications development major, worked with chapter members to create the Web site.

After learning of the news, Weaver noted: "It took a team effort, lots of hard work and attention to detail, but a fifth place in an international competition makes it all worth while. We are planning to do even better next time and show the world what Penn College students are capable of producing."

Visit the Penn College IEEE Student Branch Web site .