In high esteem

Published 11.25.2020

Student News
Faculty & Staff

General Services' Mary Jo DeVinney and Chad L. Karstetter rise to the occasion in side-by-side buckets.Perspective affirms the scope of the undertaking, aided on the ground by Michael L. Bremigen (at the tree's base) and Barbie A. Myers (behind the truck).Festively festooned, the spruce offers its silent salute.From top to bottom, a cascade of color Acknowledging the street-level audienceFirst-shift horticulturists from General Services laid the far-above-groundwork for decorating the Veterans Holiday Tree outside Madigan Library, stringing the underlying red, white and blue lights that honor the Penn College family's servicewomen and men. The tribute will resume on the afternoon of Dec. 3, when a crew led by Chet Beaver, coordinator of veteran and military services, will add stars and other ornaments denoting the nearly 300 campus community members who have self-identified as active-duty or veteran military personnel. The tree on the northeast side of the library has been decorated annually since 2017; its successor on the other side of Hagan Way was felled due to disease.