Class Visits American Visionary Art Museum

Published 07.09.2008

Student News
Individualized Programs of Study

'Visual' art welcomes students to Baltimore museum Class gathers for a group photo Egg sculpture among dazzling displays The full complement of students enrolled in Theories of Personality and Psychotherapy recently visited the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore to view the works of untrained artists driven to express emotions and thoughts through visual art. The focus exhibit, "All Faiths Beautiful" (closing Aug. 1), features personal individualized explorations and expressions of understanding, believing (or not) and religious identity. The impressions formed from the visit contributed to the broader exploration of the essential elements of personality and identity covered in the Penn College course. Many of the students taking the course are pursuing the psychology minor now available through the School of Integrated Studies. ( Photos and information provided by Tom A. Zimmerman, associate professor of psychology)