Ceremony Brings Winning Holiday Cards to Light

Published 11.28.2012

Student News
Faculty & Staff

In the dusky blue of twilight, card-lighting attendees stand silhouetted outside the ATHS.PCCA's carpentry skills are evident in the student group's blue-ribbon creation.The 2012 crop of holiday cards, illuminated along the campus mall.Elliott Strickland Jr., chief student affairs officer, presides over the card-lighting ceremony.The colorful spectacle is viewed by passersby along the east-west sidewalk.Entries by the Penn College Construction Association and the Workforce Development & Continuing Education office were judged the best among student organizations and college departments competing in the 2012 holiday card-decorating contest. Results were announced by Elliott Strickland Jr., chief student affairs officer, during Wednesday's traditional card-lighting ceremony outside the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center. Other winners, selected in online voting by 368 members of the college community, were the Diesel Performance Technicians Association, second place for student groups, and the Physician Assistant Club, third. The Madigan Library placed second among Penn College offices; third-place honors went to Financial Operations. Prizes for the top three student organizations are awarded to the respective winners' club accounts in increments of $200, $150 and $100. WDCE wins lunch at Le Jeune Chef for those who helped create its card; decorating participants from the other two winning offices will be treated to breakfast at the restaurant. This year’s entries can be viewed elsewhere on PCToday.
Photos by Marc T. Kaylor, student photographer