Baking Soda Has 'Green' Uses Far Beyond the Fridge

Published 01.26.2009

Landscape/Plant Production
School of Transportation & Natural Resources Technologies News

The latest "Green Tip of the Week" comes from the Horticulture Club: We've all heard that baking soda in the refrigerator can absorb odors, but what else can it do? Did you know there are many uses for this versatile product? From cleansers, to odor controllers, to absorbing moisture, baking soda can take the place of many more toxic products that we use on a daily basis. Did you realize there are uses for baking soda in the garden, your plumbing and even your Christmas tree? To find out more about this amazing product, visit online for these and many more tips. The "Green Tip of the Week" is a cooperative venture of The Energy Conservation Subcommittee of Penn College's Governance system and the School of Natural Resources Management's Horticulture Department. (Contacts for the feature are Gail B. Landers, group leader at the Children's Learning Center and a subcommittee member, and Carl J. Bower Jr., horticulture instructor.)